Sunday, October 28, 2007

Unemployment compensation

Very recently a question was brought up on the Amgen Alumni mailing list about unemployment compensation. The summary of facts, as I understand them, follows:

1. One may apply on line at
2. One must disclose severance and vacation pay (that you received on your last day) to the EDD, however, for those who left in RIF even a large amount of severance won't in all likelihood adversely affect one's eligibility. See this link for reference to law on this.
3. If your severance pay is in form of a lump sum, to report it to EDD enter a single day interval, like 10/12/07 - 10/12/07 using your actual separation date.
4. The part about "payment in lieu of" does not apply to RIF people.
5. Initially I was under impression that individuals who accepted VTP may not be eligible for unemployment, because they left the company voluntarily. But according to Barbara Brown on the AluMGEN mailing list, "VTP's are eligible for unemployment benefits as well. Both RIFs and VTPs are out of work due to Amgen's reduction in force. I am a VTP and have had my unemployment application approved."
6. Income from self-employment in one's own business is considered "wages" by EDD, and will be deducted from unemployment benefits. But royalties from IP are not considered "wages". Patent holders, song writers, and entertainment personalities - this is a great benefit to you! :-)


GOGOMOM said...

Great blog! I see you are still practicing the Amgen values :) Thanks for providing information and a forum!

Liz Ledesma said...

Has anyone actually received unemployment benefits who took the VTP package. If so, what did you do to get it approved. I am waiting for a meeting with the administrative judge.
Thank you.